Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our Family Blog

Hello Everyone~
We have started this blog so that everyone in our life can keep up with all we have going on. Add the website to your favorites and check back often. The goal is to update our website often with stories and pictures.

To Catch you up:
As you all know our house is on the market....still! I tell 'ya, selling a house can teach you patience. We have had a lot of lookers but no offers as of yet. Our current plan is to sell this house and either find another renovation project or build. Ryan and I would both LOVE to build however finding a lot is a little tough. We would really like to stay in the Alamo Heights area so who knows.

Ryan took arch. test #9 last week, hopefully it will be his last. We will have a big celebration once he gets his license!

Hope you all enjoy checking in on us often : )

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