We had a doctor's appointment for 36 weeks and my blood pressure was a little high. Doc decided to check us in to labor and delivery for an hour of monitoring. Ryan and I were both kind of like...okay so in a month this is what it will be like. I had to get into a gown, into the delivery room and everything. An hour later of laying on my left side blood pressure went down and we were checked out for home. My doctor wanted to see me the following Monday. Thursday night and Friday morning I just felt out of sorts and not quite right, so I ran by CVS before starting my day to check bp and sure enough it was high. So, I ran to Walgreens to see if the CVS machine was right : ). BP was high at Walgreens so I called my OBGYN nurse and she said to come on in and have it check just as precaution. I called Ryan told him I was headed to doc and it was no big deal. After check BP and urine test at doc they decided to check me back into labor and delivery for monitoring of BP and I had traces of protein in my urine. Thankfully Ryan came to labor and delivery because we then found out that we were being checked into the hospital overnight for monitoring of protein which can be Preeclampsia. Most likely we would be there 24 hours and then discharged to home with possible bedrest. So, Saturday afternoon rolls around and Ryan packs our room and we are ready to go home once we get the test results. Well, the results came back positive and the doctor informed us that we would be inducing on Monday and baby girl Jones would be brought into this world! I was really worried that she would be small but the doctor assured us that she was healthy and full term as of that Sunday.
Here is a picture of Ryan and I right when we found out she was coming...before the shock worn in : )
We spent the weekend at the hospital, watched movies and football and just hung out. Sunday night around 5:00 pm they moved me to labor and delivery to get the party started. In the middle of the night things got a little rough and I thought oh great this isn't even real labor yet...
Monday morning the doctor came by and broke my water and I received an epidural at 5 cm. Thank you for the epidural! Things were rocking very fast and the doctor seemed to think I would deliver around 2:45 pm and she would weigh around 7.1. Well that didn't happen...I progressed to a 8.5 quickly and then was there for 4 hours. The doctor said that my cervix was swollen and there was no way I could deliver baby girl Jones and we would have to do a c section. Things then happened very fast and before we knew it we were in the OR and Ava Elise Jones was born! The doctor said, "Oh my she is a big girl!" Ava weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce and was 20.5 inches long. Her sweet first cry was the greatest thing I've ever heard. I had to stay in recovery for a little while longer than expected but finally got to hold my baby girl around 9:30 that Monday night. Ryan, Ava and I stayed in the hospital until Thursday and were able to go home that afternoon. Thankfully we have had many visitors and lots of family here to help us all. Thank you to all of you who have prayed for our beautiful baby girl, we are so glad she has made her arrival and is here healthy!
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