Monday, March 21, 2011

Flowerbeds continued...

I can only add four pictures at a time through picasa so that is why there are multiple posts. Picture above is what we started with....

Ryan planted inpatients and ferns in the shady area of the flowerbed. Every year inpatients tempt me with their beautiful color and by end of summer I am sick of them because they need attention. The yellow and green plants are ginger, love them and they are seen everywhere in SA. They do well in sun or shade which is great for our flowerbed where part is sun and part is shade.

It is really hard to tell in this picture but the plants to the right are disanthus. Not sure on that spelling...
They have a bright red flower when they bloom and grow to a shrub. Mom said that Mamaw (my great grandmother) had them all over her yard. I remember her HUGE hydrangeas... There are also purple growing moss in the front and purple onion plant in the back. I have seen the purple onion plant around town and have always wanted to add it to our yard. I still need to get a sun loving plant for right in front of the ginger but haven't found the perfect thing yet...
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