Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Birthdays and new adventures

Last Saturday our baby girl had her first birthday party. I am still not sure how a year has gone by. We had a wonderful time and hosted it at Landa Library outside on their terrace. Weather was perfect and it was simply amazing! Happy Birthday baby love... On another note, we have sold our house and moved into another "project" in Terrell Hills. Excited for all the fun things going on in our life. Since we have been so busy the blog has fallen off my to do list. So sorry but I will be taking a break from posting. Hope everyone is doing great!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Almost Birthday Time!!!


Can't believe that you are almost one year old baby girl!  Our life has been so blessed and we are so thankful to have you! You make us smile all the time and are so much fun.  Can't wait for your first Birthday party!
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

10 months old

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Grandess comes to visit

Grandessa and Mallory came and spent the night with us this summer...just realized I hadn't posted these!

Momma I am trying to watch baby einstein, can't a girl rest?
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My Birthday

My 33rd birthday was in August and I realized I hadn't posted the pictures yet.  Ava bought me a beautiful chocolate (my fav) cake. 

Mom let me try this out...

We are ready!  WHOOP!
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Visit from PawPaw

Last week Dad aka PawPaw came down to visit.  And luckily he was here on Ava's first Day so he got to go with us to school.  Ava likes to use PawPaw as her own personal jungle gym :)
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First Day of Mother's Day Out for the new school year

Sorry these are so blurry, but she is a girl on the move.  Ava is going back to our Church for Mother's Day out one day a week.  She seems to love playing with the other kids in her class and I really like her teachers.

Bye Momma, got to go!

Ava's school lunch...the monkey is an ice pack ;)  Oh and there are potatoes hiding under those veggies...haha
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Happy Grandparents Day!

We made these crafts for Ava's Grandparents First Grandparents Day.  She is a lucky girl to have so many people that love her...

Welcome to the SEC baby!!! Ava's friend that is a boy Daniel got this for shirt for her so she would be ready for the season...
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11 months old

Ava is a girl on the move!  Much harder to take these pictures than it use to be... 
 Her new thing is when I say no-no or no mam she wages her finger in my face...wonder where on earth she learned that? :)
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Snack Time!

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