Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Out and About

Miss Ava's cheetah socks...hilarious!

This summer I got Ava a Juicy Couture suit at the boutique tent sale, it is adorable! Hard to tell in this pic but she was just precious in her little outfit. Mom got one for her for next year too :)

We were matching, even down to the cheetah shoes but it was too hard to take a picture.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Tree shopping!

Yesterday we went to pick out our Christmas tree. I have always had a real tree, can't break a 32 year tradition! I look forward to continuing this with Ava. She was very interested in the trees as you can tell...

So this picture is hard to tell so I will take another but Ava has reindeer pjs and on the feet are little reindeers, one is Rudolph complete with a red nose : )


Sunday afternoon Ava fell asleep with her hand on Ryan's was so cute!

Walk like an Egyptian

The other day Ava was napping and seriously she was laying just like this...I was cracking! The song was in my head all day!

Mallory, what is up with my hair??? (Ava)

Hey Coach

What ya wanna talk about?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Regular day around here

These got out of order...this was supposed to be the last picture once Ava had pooped herself out.
Ava says, "Chicken, I've got my eye on you!"
Check out that curly hair! It for sure didn't come from her straight haired mama : )

Relaxing with Mom

Ava was wide awake playing with her farm animals the other day.

Sunday afternoon, great time for a nap...
Ryan was cracking up because her mouth was wide open. At least she wasn't snoring : )

Friday, November 18, 2011

New pics

Ava loves her bouncy chair, I was getting some stuff done on the computer and she was just hanging out...taking it all in :)

These two pics are out of order, she was wide awake and then snoozing shortly after...

Botanical Gardens

East Texas section of the gardens..

It was Game Day!

I've been having issues with blogger...these pics are from the first weekend in November. Ryan went out of town for his annual "Jones family opening weekend" hunting trip and Dad and Delia came down to visit Ava and I. We had a great time at the botanical garden in San Antonio!

Kiss Me I am too CUTE!

One of Grandessa's friends from Church made this hat for Ava, we love it!

Friday, November 4, 2011


This is my favorite picture! I love it!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wide Awake

Ava has started being more awake here lately and we are having a good time playing...
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Girls Lunch Date

Today Ava went out for her first "girls lunch" date with Kimberly. Ava did so well! Sorry for the bad pics, she was passed out in her car seat and there was no way I was getting her out...

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