Sunday, July 24, 2011

Third and final trimester!

Here we are in the last trimester! Things have been busy around here getting ready for Baby Jones. We had a doctor's appointment last week and all went very well. She is weighing in at a little over 2.5 pounds and is doing well. I am growing!

This week Mom, Darren, Mallory and Aunt Lois came over to paint the nursery. It is all looking so good!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

24 weeks

As of Sunday we have hit 24 weeks! We had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and everything went great. We had a sonogram and could see her all four chambers of her heart working, her bladder was full which is a good sign because that means the kidneys are working. She was swallowing and her spine looked just as it should. She is measuring right on track, even to the exact day, 24 weeks 2 days. Her legs however are measuring 25 weeks 5 days! The doc said we have one long legged girl! : )
Excuse the way I look in these pictures, Chase and I had just got back from walking...

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

This is a view of our side yard with our flags flying! Our grass has taken somewhat of a beating with the water restrictions we've been on...

Just a side note on sweet potato vine, I love it but it is taking over everything! My flowerbeds and my pots! Luckily the calladiums are hanging in there (my fav!) but next week I might have to trim some of that vine back before it completely takes over...

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Ryan's new wheels

After 4 months of being a one car family we have purchased a new car! Ryan is super excited to have a truck again and I am glad that it is one the whole family can fit in come October. Ryan arrived from Fort Worth about midnight last night and I was up at 6:00 am this morning ready to check it out in the daylight. Of course last night we did a test drive too but it's not the same as it is in the day. Chase looks pretty pumped too!

Here is a preview of the cupcakes I made for 4th of July. It's become a tradition. Usually I make them with bluberries and strawberries on top but this year decided to go with sprinkles and flags. Some people don't like sprinkles so that's why a few look a little different...

Enjoy your Holiday weekend with your family! I know we've got our flags flying!
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