Monday, September 27, 2010

New Furniture!

This past Friday we ran to the outlets to see if they had anything new. We found these amazing SWIVEL chairs at Pottery Barn. They actually had more than one which is a miracle at the outlets.
Back view

At Restoration they had these amazing barstools, perfect height (counter), color and they had backs!

After we got home Friday night Ryan drew everything out to make sure it would all fit. Luckily it would so Mom and I headed back Saturday morning to pick it all up. They were impressed with Mom and I's tie down skills :)

Pottery Barn had this couch for an amazing price. It is perfect for our living room in size and comfyniess. The new chairs and couch will go great with our leather couch. The back pillows are laid down because we are trying to decide what fabric we want to cover it in. The couch and both chairs need to upholstered. Luckily Mom knows of a guy in Boerne who is working on a chair for her and is doing a great job.
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First Cool Snap

This morning we had our first taste of Fall. We had all the doors open letting in the fresh air. Today when I get home I am hoping it is still cooler because I will be opening all the windows!
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Master Bathroom Tile Work

This weekend Ryan worked on our Master Bathroom. The tile job is looking great! Picture below is the tile behind toilet area. I've got many posts coming today, it was a productive weekend!

The helpful assistant...
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Boerne Homecoming Parade

It is hard to believe that Mallory is a freshman this year at Boerne Champion High School. Last night she participated in the homecoming parade with the girls basketball team. They all painted themselves blue (school colors) and walked along their float. The girls were super excited because they won second place!
The girls with their trophy. Mallory is the one in front with a navy t-shirt on. She said she wanted to run cross country just because they have cool t-shirts. The tshirts say....There's good....There's great...Then there's CHAMPION! Pretty good too I think.
Me and a member of blue girl group...
Me, Mal, and Mom after the parade. Mom and I walked the route to catch up with them at the end for a pep rally. We were pooped! Afterwards we had to run to Michaels because Mallory decided it might be "okay" to have a Mum. Too funny :) I was telling her about my old Mums from school days and told her I would have to show her one day, she looked at me in shock and said, "why do you still have them sis?" Good question...
All of this made me reminisce of my high school days. I told Mallory about my senior year and our Key Club float. That year we had three floats to work on, Senior Float, Student Council and Key Club. Since we didn't have that much time we came up with the theme...FLOAT? WE THOUGHT YOU SAID BOAT!!! We got Dad to drive us through the parade and all my friends were piled up riding in the boat. It was hilarious! Mal and I have also been talking about Pep Rallies and all she needs to do to win the spirit stick. I told her about all of us going to Beth's house to make our signs every Thursday night. Mal was at those pep rallies senior year but I am sure she doesn't remember. : )I am so glad Mallory is getting to experience a fun spirited high school. GO CHAMPION CHARGERS!

For more pics click here:
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Master Bathroom

This past weekend Ryan worked on our Master bathroom to get it ready to tile this weekend. The picture above Ryan is standing in the shower looking through the ledge that will be used for all my necessities. Hey, I have ALOT more shower products than he does :)
A little kung fu action!
I spent the weekend painting window trim and working on the yard. I also planted star jasmine vine along our new fence. We got a ton of rain right after I planted all the vines so the miracle grow should be working really well.
This week we ordered sinks, faucets, a seamless shower door and medicine cabinets for our bathroom. All will arrive next week. After Ryan finishes the tile the next step will be to have our vanity delivered and schedule Paul the Plumber to come over and hook it all up! Can't wait to show everyone the progress.
Also, my wallpaper for the guest bathroom arrived yesterday so hopefully Mom and I will be able to hang it this weeknend. She is a wallpaper genius!