Monday, April 26, 2010


Picture above shows our recessed microwave...gotta love it!
This weekend Ryan also trimmed out the window around our kitchen sink.

I unpacked the kitchen and got everything organized. It was so nice to get all those boxes out of there.
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New Deck!

Ryan built our new side deck this weekend. The window is above the kitchen sink and looks out across the street to our neighbors. The door to the left opens into the side of our family room. The garage is to the left.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Looking towards street

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Sorry for the bad picture. My camera battery has ran out and I have no idea where the charge cord is : )
We are loving our new driveway!
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Monday, April 12, 2010


Picture above is Ryan's built in desk area. The middle section is for a chair and there will be a countertop that runs across and up to the windows. The cabinet on the left Ryan had made specifically for his drawings, the drawers are extra long.
This is our buffet area. There are cabinets above these they just weren't hung when I took the picture. On the far end of the picture is where our wine fridge and recessed microwave will be.
Back side of cabinets
Lazy Susan and two pots and pans drawers.
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