Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lighting for Guest Bathroom and Update

Last night we made a trip to the outlets and I picked out the light above for our guest bathroom. That's heard me....guest bath!!! Woo-hoo! Two toliets is going to be GREAT! The light we are using is the one on the left. There will be two on either side of the mirror. Restoration Hardware was running a huge sale...70% off list price plus and additional 20%. While checking out I asked if there could possibly be more of a discount because one had a small scratch. Ryan was laughing so hard on the inside he had to leave. : )
I didn't think anything of it, you never know they could always say Yes...

This week the foundation guys are there leveling the house and getting ready to pour piers for the addition. It is a super exciting week for us! Will post foundation pics later...

This week I also picked up our low-flow, energy efficient toliets. I was able to get ADA toliets that are two inches higher than regular toliets. For all the tall people in the family, your welcome. I wish I would have had a picture of me sitting on the regular toliet and the tall toliet at the plumbing supply. I am sure the guys working there were cracking up but I doubt if I was the first.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Rain Water Collection Tank

This past weekend we installed a rain water collection tank at the new house. It is going to be amazing!!! It is a 500 gallon tank that collects water from the downspouts on the front of the house. The water runs underground to the collection tank. Inside the tank is a submersible pump that will allow me to water all my pots and will supply rain water to the new flower beds. Woo-hoo!!! I am PUMPED!

For more pics and a play by play click here:

Drainage System

Ryan and Dad installed a serious drainage system at our house weekend before last...for pictures click here:

Friday, November 13, 2009

Chase the Assistant

Ryan and Dad enjoying their Sonic and Chase taking it all in...
Chase says, "Mom, is all this fresh dirt for me???"
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Dad Reno--1st Weekend

Dad came to town on Wednesday afternoon, here are some pictures of the first day.... The large dirt pile you see had to be moved out to make room for piers for the new foundation.
Dad running the mini excavator...
Ryan and Dad working with the lazer...
My new applicanes got delivered yesterday. : )
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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Visiting with family and friends

This past weekend I visited with my old friend Tara and her family. We ate at this great place called Sweetie Pies in Decatur.

Tara and Kurt's son John cheesing it up...

Whitley looking oh so cute in her Sunday best.

Saturday I met Ashely, her daughter Haley, Auntie, Grandessa and Slade at Terrell outlet mall. Good thing Haley is a shopper! For more pics click here:

Monday, November 9, 2009

We've been approved!

The city approved our plans to tear down the exisitng sunroom and use the slab to build our master bedroom area. Ryan rocked the presenation and the 5 person board was super impressed. We went to my fav Roaring Fork to celebrate afterward...

This weekend we went to Fort Worth so Ryan could enjoy opening deer season and I caught up with friends and family. Will post more on that later...

On the way home we stopped by the outlet mall and bought the light fixture shown above from Restoration Hardware for our dining room. It is beautiful in person...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Decisions, Decisions....

We've got a big week this week. Wednesday we go before the board of adjustments for Alamo Heights to hopefully approve a piece of our renovation. Ryan has become the king of the neighborhood meeting everyone and getting to know them. I must admit, I really love it! All of our new neighbors seem super excited to have "younguns" moving to the neighborhood. I think the average age of our new peeps is 70, I like older neighbors. The man who lives across the street, Eric was in WWII. Pretty amazing people.

This weekend Ryan worked on cleaning up the site and trying to get all the nasty carpet goop up out of the hallway. Who ever thought gluing down carpet over hard woods was good idea? Indoor/outdoor carpet at that!


Mr. and Mrs. Discount

After much shopping and a little debate we bought two new appliances this weekend. Let me tell you the story, because as you know when it comes to bargain hunting we always have a story. At our last house, Retama we bought all of our appliances from the local Scratch and Dent Superstore. They offered a warranty and if you didn't know you would have never been able to tell they weren't bought full price from a fancy store. The old scratch and dent was a fun place, Vinnie worked there along with the godfather...Ryan joked it was ran by the Italian mob. There were always big Italian looking guys wearing a bunch of gold man jewels (you know man jewerly)...unusal for San Antonio.

Whenever we bought the new house I was ready for a little godfather shopping. Well, the store has been sold and prices have gone sky high. Don't worry, we found another discount store. Appliance Smart in San Antonio is awesome. I think I have been there 5 times in the past three weeks. keep in mind they have two locations in SA.

Friday night Ryan and I ran by Sears Outlet (right by our house) to see what they had in stock. We found the kenmore elite duel fuel 40" mr. industrial oven with a handy side oven. Love at first sight. But I had to think about it overnight. Martina put it on hold for us and I tried to dream about it. A lot of times with the renovation I can dream about rooms or appliances (for this instance) and know what my decision will be. I don't have the luxury of just being able to imagine things like Ryan so I have to dream them out. Well, Friday night I had a great dream about my new oven so Saturday after making trips to all 3 scratch and dents we went back to see Martina and get our oven!!! We've been also looking at fridges. Last house we got a crazy deal on our fridge at Lowe's. A stainless steel side by side for less than $500 was simply the greatest bargain in reno history. This go around we didn't get quite as great a deal but man did we get a deal!!! While buying the oven Ryan was looking around at the fridges again, they had marked down a few since the night before. Ryan called me over to check it out and I said stay there, guard it, I'm going to get the sales lady. The rest is history :)

The fridge is Kenmore elite side by side. It comes with regular ice, crushed ice and wait for it....SHAVED ICE!!! Snowcones every day here I come! Chase and I will love it!! He loves eating ice...Also, in the door there is an "extra cold" cubbie where ice from the freezer shoots into the door making your milk (and beer) extra cold with hopefully ice chips. Good thing this fridge was crazy clearance because there is no way we would have been able to get one with all those bells and whistles.
Oven, my oven. : )
I was looking for something industrial and I think this makes it the one. Also, I wanted a duel fuel, check. Black top for the cooktop, double oven or at least a warming drawer, if possible 5 burners...check...check...check!!! We got a crazy deal on this one too.
Both will be delivered Nov. 12th. We don't have a kitchen or bathroom but as Ryan pointed out, we have appliances...when a deals a deal, you gotta jump!