Monday, February 23, 2009

Landscaper's Challenge Part 2

Rock pile consists of rocks collected in our backyard while cleaning up the fence line. Gotta love the hill country! : )

My beautiful magnolia surrounded by brush....

BOBCAT!!! The backyard neighbors came over wondering what we were "tearing up." We have also had a lot of lookers. The back of our house in an alley that neighbors use while walking their dogs.

Ryan and our neighbor Mario's garage. My red bud tree is almost in full bloom!

Landscaper's Challenge

We have decided to tackle the backyard.
Ryan's brother Brandon came to help, thank you Brandon! Attached are a few"before" and "during" pics. The fence had weeds and trees growing all through it and that ended up to be a challenge. Luckily Dad brought the BOBCAT by and the guys got to work pulling everything out. What would we have done without the bobcat? Thanks Dad!

I will keep you all up to date on the progress.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ryan is an offical ARCHITECT

The time has come, Ryan is an architect!!!
He passed his 9th and final exam!!!
All that is left is a little paperwork. I am very proud of you babe...CONGRATULATIONS!


And so we're back!!!

Hello All!

I know it has been forever since we have updated the blog. A lot has been going on. First, our home computer crashed. This of course really stinks since we did all our updating from home. Ryan and I have also both been very sick. Ryan was sick with a stomach virus and then I got it. Let's just say things were not so pretty around house : )

Our house is still on the market and no offers. We have of course had a lot of showings but no real movement.

Some exciting news, Ryan is the new assistant coach to the Alamo Heights Little League Cardinals. I can't wait to see all the fun he will be having. The boys are ages 8-10. Chase of course is the mascot. First batting practice is tonight, so we will keep you updated.

Hope all is well with everyone!
